Stronger Every Day

I'm Cristina and Welcome to Team Stronger Every Day! Here I talk about my journey getting in shape and being a Beachbody coach. I share meal plans, recipes, health and fitness tips, and more!

22 Minute Hard Corps Weekly Meal Plan

By 6:58 PM , , , , ,

Here is is! Week 1 of 22 Minute Hard Corps is about to begin, and I am so excited! This meal plan was based on the Level 2 Plan. Feel free to modify if you need more or less food.
I rearranged the meal schedule and containers based on what works for me. For example, I like to have my Shakeology for breakfast. I tried to include one protein in each meal/snack to keep myself full. I definitely don't want to get hangry!
There is also a quick overview at the bottom of how many containers I should be having in a day. If you notice, I freestyle on Sundays so this comes in handy. You can also check off how much water you have each day to make sure you are drinking PLENTY!

This meal plan is 100% husband approved. What are you doing to prepare for 22 Minute Hard Corps?

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