Stronger Every Day

I'm Cristina and Welcome to Team Stronger Every Day! Here I talk about my journey getting in shape and being a Beachbody coach. I share meal plans, recipes, health and fitness tips, and more!

Week 1 Weigh In

By 10:08 AM , , , , , , ,

I am so excited to share these results with you! I've been doing 22 Minute Hard Corps for 1 full week now. It's amazing. It's super intense and pushes me past my comfort zone but I love every minute of it. I don't think I could've seen these results in such a short time with any other program.

I took my measurements two weeks ago when I first ordered my challenge pack. That means that these results reflect drinking Shakeology daily and doing 22 Minute Hard Corps daily.

What Did I Measure? 

I use the Progress and Goals section on to track my progress. I track my weight, waist, chest, hips, arms, and thighs. Side note: I am really, really bad at measuring my arms. It's really difficult to hold the tape there while trying to read the measurement and keep your arm in a neutral position. Any tips would be appreciated! 

If you're not sure how to measure check out the Measurement Tracker form Beachbody. I love how the pictures show you exactly where to measure on your body. Don't forget to pull your measuring tape tight! You want it to be tight enough so you're getting an accurate measurement but not too tight that it hurts or is pushing into your skin. If you're still not sure, there's a ton of videos showing you exactly where and how to measure. 

My Results 

I am super excited to see the inches coming off. I never thought it was important to track inches as long as  you're losing weight, but they make all the difference! I am getting stronger each day which means I'm building muscle. Muscle takes up less space than fat, so measuring yourself weekly allows you to "see" this process. This is also what you notice if you've gone down a size or two in your clothing. 

I haven't seen much progress in my arms yet, and I think that's because my weights aren't heavy enough. I've been using dumbbells that I borrowed from my mom. I'm going to increase them for next week and see if I see any new results. 

Are you doing a Beachbody program right now? Share it in the comments and let me know how you're doing! Don't forget to check in on Sunday for my Week 2 meal plan! 

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